Act Repealed and Board Dissolved
February 14, 2025
Effective February 7, 2025, Section 6 of The Doukhobors of Canada C.C.U.B. Trust Fund Amendment and Repeal Act, 2020 came into effect by order of Saskatchewan’s Lieutenant Governor in Council repealing The Act and dissolving the Board. This brings to a close an important chapter in Canadian Doukhobor history. Many have contributed to this work over the years, as you may read in various sections of this website, which will remain live for a few months and then be archived.
Annual Report 2023-2024 Available
December 1, 2024
The CCUB Trust Fund Board recently produced its 2024 annual report with a complete list of all projects funded since 2021, when The Act was amended to allow spending of the principal in addition to the interest. There were 11 grants given to projects in BC, AB and SK, totaling $281,661. The Fund is now fully allocated. The 2023-24 includes the latest report of the Provincial Auditor on the Board’s 2024 Year-End Financial Statements (year-end is May 31st). A small amount of funding was allocated to wind up costs until The Act can be repealed, as planned.
The Board is very pleased with quality and variety of projects supported by the CCUB Trust Board, especially since 2021 when larger projects could be supported. We hope you will take some time to read about them in our 2023-2024 Annual Report, available on this website on the Impact Page.
Annual Meeting – July 2024
august 15, 2024
On July 17, 2024, the Board held what is expected to be its final Annual Meeting via Zoom. On the agenda were a review of the draft annual report and financial statements for 2023-24, which will be released later this year, after approval by the Provincial Auditor. All grant funds have been dispersed and the projects supported can be seen on the Grants page of this website.
The Trust Fund is now fully spent, except for a small amount retained for windup expenses over the coming months. The Board was very pleased with the community’s response to the larger grant program launched in 2021 and with the work accomplished with the grant funds. The 11 projects, valued at $281,661, made a strong contribution to enhancing Doukhobor culture in Western Canada. Thank you to all participants and to our community partners.
Annual Report 2022-23 Released
November 23, 2023
Our 2023 annual report is complete, with details of the last round of projects approved and funded by the Board and with year-end audited financial statements showing a year-end balance of $2,466. The Board is pleased to have completed its challenge of distributing the remaining CCUB Trust Fund principal and interest during 2023. The report describes the latest projects supported and this website describes all projects funded in recent years. The full report is available on the Impact page.
The Board now looks forward to hearing about the completion of funded projects and grant holders’ achievements. Some of those stories will find their way to this website, on the Impact page, and in next year’s annual report. The vision and scope of the projects were very impressive and, in the Board’s view, have made contributed to preserving and advancing the heritage and culture of Doukhobor people in Canada.
Thank you to all who have supported and participated in the work of the CCUB Trust Board over the years.
Grants Approved in 2023
MAY 15, 2023
After the special February 1st grant intake focusing on Alberta and Saskatchewan projects, the Board was able to fund two more grants from Saskatchewan but none from Alberta. The Doukhobor Dugout House National Historic Site ( near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, was granted $7,800 to help with the cost of producing its New Edition Memory Album and Directional Map, to be available for the 2023 season. Second, the National Doukhobor Heritage Village ( in Verigin, Saskatchewan was granted $60,970 to help restore the CCUB Grain Elevator, a national and provincial historic site, which is a key feature of the museum. Work is expected to be done by Fall 2023.
The Board also support for a BC project that was deferred in 2022 because the BC envelope was fully committed at the time. This project, led by Ahna Berikoff and Sharon Nazaroff from BC and supported by the Council of Doukhobors in Canada, relates to all Doukhobors. It is an on-going educational project that tells the Doukhobor story from migration to present day in an inclusive and respectful manner designed for fully accessible on-line use (see Phase 1 was funded from the BC envelope and Phase 2 is being funded from funds remaining in the overall envelope. The amount was finalized at $30,456 in May after the Board received a financial update on the balance in the Fund.
With these three new grants, the CCUB Trust Fund is now fully allocated, in line with the Board’s mandate, and there will not be any further grant intakes (i.e., no grant intake May 31st). Full details of these new grants will be posted in the coming weeks.
The Board’s focus for 2023 will be monitoring progress on the projects funded since 2021, when the new grant program using the full principal of the Fund began. All grant holders are expected to provide six-month progress reports and a final report. The accomplishments of our grant holders are shared on our website and in publications like ISKRA. The CCUB Trust Fund has supported many important and interesting projects, and the Board looks forward to sharing their successes with our broader community.
New Feb 1/23 Grant Deadline
november 2022
As of this summer, two-thirds of the CCUB Trust Fund has been allocated to projects, leaving one-third for future projects. However, all of the British Columbia envelope has been allocated, due to strong uptake there.
Only two provinces have funds left in their envelopes: Alberta ($16,006) and Saskatchewan ($72,959). The Board’s goal is to invest in projects across the three Western provinces, if possible. Since The Fund must be allocated and spent by mid-2024, the Board has added a new grant intake deadline – February 1, 2023 for projects by or involving Alberta and Saskatchewan Doukhobor organizations.
After that, any funding left unallocated will be pooled together for one final grant intake on May 31, 2023, which would be open to projects from any of the three Western provinces. To APPLY: please see the CCUB Trust Fund Granting Policy and Guidelines, 2021 – 2024 and the Grant Application Form on the Grant Funding page.
Spring 2022 Grants Approved
August 2022
The 2022 annual meeting of the CCUB Trust Fund Board took place on July 8th in Calgary, the Board’s first in-person meeting in a few years.
Grant applications received for the May 2022 round were reviewed. The Board approved funding for two of the projects (see Grant Funding page) and decided to get clarification from two other applicants. Board members were unanimous in saying how impressed they were with the projects submitted and pleased to be supporting such high-quality initiatives.
Grant allocations followed the usual formula of 45% BC, 10% AB, and 45% SK. In strategic discussions at the meeting, the Board acknowledged that these three ‘envelopes’ are not being accessed evenly and that remaining funds may need to be pooled soon to ensure the Trust Fund can be fully used for the best possible projects in the tight timeframe the Board is facing.
The originally planned October 2022 application deadline for CCUB Trust Fund Grants is being postponed, allowing the Board time to time to determine how much grant funding remains, after looking at pending items and unspent grants. Please watch for further announcements about the next grant application intake.
The Board also reviewed its progress and mapped out the next two years. The goal is to ensure the Fund is fully allocated and projects completed on time, so that the Board can help with communicating their successes within its available window of time.
Six Grants Funded under New Program
27 November 2021
On October 1st, the first round of grant applications under the new CCUB Trust Fund Granting Program took place. It was the first time since The Fund was created in 1980 that our Board was able to use the Fund’s principal amount. The amount available to fund projects in this round was $271,000. These applications followed the new granting policies and application form approved earlier this year.
Six grants were approved, including three from British Columbia, one from Alberta, and two from Saskatchewan. There were some very exciting projects funded and the Board was pleased with the variety and quality of the special projects designed to advance Doukhobor heritage and culture. Details of the six grants approved are available here on our Funding Page.
Funding allocations continue to follow the long-standing provincial formula of 45% British Columbia, 10% Alberta, and 45% Saskatchewan. About half the available funds were allocated in the October grant round, which means there will be funds available for another round of applications, with a deadline of May 31, 2022.
The Board recently received the final audited financial statements for the CCUB Trust Fund year ended May 31, 2021, as audited by Saskatchewan’s Provincial Auditor. They can be viewed here on our Organization Page.
The Board is looking forward to another round of grants next May and to seeing how the recently funded projects progress. We will share news from them as it’s available. We wish our newly funded groups all best with their projects.
Board Announces New Granting Program
2 July 2021
In late June 2021, the CCUB Trust Fund Board finalized and approved new granting polices and a new application form for the new granting program that will be funded from the full Fund Principal, starting in Fall of 2021. The guidelines and application form are on this website on the Grant Funding page.
The Board is very pleased with the prospect of being able to fund additional special projects. With increased funding, comes a greater scope of projects and initiatives, and greater accountability. We encourage applicants to review both the form and the guidelines carefully; and if there are any questions, to contact one of your CCUB board members.
There will be several grant application deadlines over the next two years, starting later this year with the first one later this year, October 1, 2021, followed by May 31, 2022, October 1, 2022 and possibly May 31, 2023, depending on funds remaining at that time. Grant funding allocations will still follow the long-standing provincial formula of 45% British Columbia, 10% Alberta, and 45% Saskatchewan.
The Board thanks all the individuals and organizations who have supported the Board’s efforts to access the Fund’s Principal and who offered input during our consultation process. This strong community support was key to our success in this important initiative.
Changes to CCUB Trust Fund Act Approved
2 June 2021
An Act to amend and repeal The Doukhobors of Canada Trust Fund Act was approved by the Government of Saskatchewan in mid-May 2021. There were two changes to The Act. First, the CCUB Trust Fund Board is now able to use the full Principal of The Fund, which currently sits at $271,400, plus interest earned. Second, the Fund is to be spent and disbursed by 2024, when The Act is to be repealed. All other aspects of The Act remain the same.
The change to allow access to the full Principal is something the CCUB Trust Fund Board has been working on for several years, liaising with Government representatives and consulting with the Doukhobor community in Western Canada. Therefore, the amendment is great news. The challenge is now disbursing this legacy fund within three years and doing so thoughtfully and wisely so as to support and advance Doukhobor culture.
The Board is very pleased with this outcome and the prospect of supporting some exciting projects. It is already putting final touches on a new granting program and policies that will be announced within weeks. Please watch this website for details.
CCUB Trust Fund Act Changes Pending
8 February 2021; updated 29 April 2021
PROGRESS: The Board is pleased to say that revisions to The Doukhobors of Canada CCUB Trust Fund Act, S.S.1980 (hereafter, The Act) are making their way through the legislative review process. A decision is likely by this summer. The Board continues to work with Government of Saskatchewan representatives on this process and will share news with the Doukhobor community when it is available.
CHANGE: The key change being considered is to allow the Board to spend the Fund’s principal and not only the annual interest, as has been the case since The Act was established in 1980.
IMPACT: The Board would continue allocating funding (via grants) to projects that further the culture and heritage of Doukhobors in Canada. There would likely be larger grants to be support a wider variety of projects than in the past. There would also likely be more than one grant intake per year.
INPUT: New granting guidelines have been drafted, in preparation for this possibility. Once a final decision on The Act is know, the Board will finalize the granting policy and application guidelines and communicate them widely to our community.
FOR NOW: In the meantime, the CCUB Trust Fund’s annual grant application will continue as usual this spring, with a grant application deadline of May 31, 2021. Applications forms and instructions are available from Board Members and here on our website, under Grant Funding.
The Board looks forward to seeing applications from the Doukhobor community for
creative projects that sustain and enhance our Doukhobor culture and heritage.
C.C.U.B. Trust Fund Board 2020 Update
12 Aug 2020
The fiscal year-end of the Doukhobors of Canada C.C.U.B. Trust Fund Board concluded on May 31, 2020 and at its Annual General Meeting on July 18, the Board reflected on the many activities both concluded, and underway.
The Board met monthly to discuss legislative change; enhanced communication with Doukhobor societies; strategic planning and, as always, our annual granting process.
Seven applications requesting funding were received from recognized societies in May, from each of the three provinces the Board represents. Funding decisions were made at the July Annual Meeting and are available on this site.
The Board has also had some changes in membership. Walter Ostoforoff of Canora filled the vacancy created by the resignation of Gerald Benneke (SK) early this year. Recently, Joe Cheveldave (BC) also retired from the Board, and Mike Kanigan has been named to fill that BC vacancy. We thank both Gerald and Joe for their good and long service on the Board and the wisdom they brought to our deliberations.
The changes to The CCUB Trust Fund Act (S.S. 1979-80) proposed by the Board to the Government in Fall 2019 are making their way through the legislative change process, and on track with the original timelines proposed by the Ministry. The major change proposed was to use the Fund’s principal and not just the interest as has been the case to date. The Board and the Ministry are working well together to keep this process aligned with the proposed schedule.
The Board is working on a strategic plan in anticipation of The Board being able to use the Fund’s principal, which now sits at just over $300K. The vision is to support more special projects that preserve and advance Doukhobor heritage and culture in Western Canada. This plan would be accompanied by a revised granting policy to reflect its strategic directions. Once the Strategic Plan is more developed, the Board will share it with our communities and welcome feedback for the final version.
Considering Changes:
July, 2019
In early 2019, our Board reached out to Doukhobor communities and organizations regarding a proposed review of The CCUB Trust Fund Act, something that happens periodically with all legislation. The Act had not been reviewed for some time and the Government of Saskatchewan invited our Board to consult with our people about possible changes to the Act. This included the possibility of dropping the restriction to spend only the interest generated by the Fund and to permit access to spending of the Principal. If such a change was to be considered, input was needed for how this additional funding could best serve Doukhobor organizations.
Consultation 2019:
The Government asked our Board to consult with our communities across Western Canada to explore options for possible changes to the CCUB Trust Fund and to call for input from Doukhobor organizations and individuals. Our Board began by putting notices in two major Doukhobor publications in Western Canada – ISKRA produced in BC and the Dove produced in SK. This was followed by wide circulation of a Consultation Letter to Doukhobor societies with an overview of the Fund’s history, some concerns with the current arrangements, and some options for future directions. This was distributed widely, along with a request for local discussion and input.
In response, many groups held consultation meetings in their areas and shared the results with us. We also heard from many individuals, by letter and in person. All of the input was considered carefully by our Board. We were very pleased with the responses and the feedback. Overall, there was support for option 3.a in the document. That option was to amend the Act to allow the Board to disburse the funds held in the trust (principal plus accumulated interest) over a reasonable time period (several years). The Board would develop a clear disbursement plan and criteria for allocating funds, including a possible expanded concept of eligible projects. The Board would also ensure that all Doukhobor societies and organizations are aware of the changes and plans, so as to have ample time to develop ideas and prepared proposals for future funding applications.
The Board prepared a proposal in the Fall of 2019 to the Government of Saskatchewan outlining the recommended option that was supported by Doukhobor societies in the consultation process. This was to allow spending of the Fund’s principal, allowing larger grants that would better meet the many needs of Doukhobor organizations in Western Canada. In most years, the funds requested through our granting process far exceeded the Board’s ability to fund from only the interest. Access to the Fund’s principal would help address this limitation.
Next Steps:
The legislative review process is currently underway (2020) and involves review at several levels before going before the Saskatchewan Legislature for consideration. The review and any resulting changes will likely take about a year to complete. Our Board is in regular contact with the Minister’s office as the legislative review progresses and we will keep our communities updated regarding developments.
In the meantime, the Board will continue offering the annual CCUB grant program and will provide updates in ISKRA and the Dove, as well as on this website.