CCUB Trust Fund Making a Difference…
For more than 30 years, Doukhobor societies across Canada’s three western provinces have drawn from the CCUB Trust Fund to help them maintain the heritage and culture of Doukhobors of Canada. Grant applications were received by the Board on May 31 each year; funding decisions occurred at the annual meetings in July; and grant funds released by September. An October 1st intake was added for the new program, plus a final special February 1, 2023 intake to encourage projects from Alberta and Saskatchewan, both of which had funding remaining in their envelopes. From 2021 to 2023, the Board approved 11 grants for a total of $281,661.
RESULTS & OUTCOMES: The Board receives progress reports on funded projects, which have been as small as supporting monthly prayer meetings (molenya) to as large as multi-year building projects. It’s heartening to hear the good news that follows the funding! Read about some project outcomes, below. More will be shared here as reports come in and also in our annual reports.
- The National Doukhobor Heritage Village (NDHV) in Verigin, SK received assistance for repairs to maintain the original heritage buildings and artifacts. Recent projects included the blacksmith shop and the gazebo housing the grist mill. While the lion’s share of fund-raising is done by the Village, CCUB Trust Fund grants “supplemented our revenues and through our efforts, and your gracious assistance, we can turn our attention to the finer details of our operations”, said a release from the Village.
- In 2020, the pandemic challenged societies to continue promoting our culture and heritage in different ways. The Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ (USCC) in BC was awarded funding for summer students, ensuring The Verigin Memorial Park near Castlegar, BC was maintained. Following strict pandemic guidelines, two commemorative (pomenki) services were held in the well-maintained grounds.
- Near Blaine Lake, SK, The Doukhobor Dugout House National Historic Site reached its goal of completing roof repairs on its Prayer Home, thanks in part to a CCUB Trust Fund grant. “A legacy was fulfilled”, according to a release from the group.
- And throughout Western Canada, Doukhobor Societies have been enabled to hold regular prayer services with help from the CCUB Trust Fund. One society wrote, “we sincerely appreciate the funding received. This allows us to lower our annual fees, which especially benefits our senior members.”
For the latest on projects funded and work accomplished with support from the CCUB Trust Fund, please see our 2022-2023 Annual Report, below.